How Rao Narayan Das of Bundi retook his throne

Bundi State was a Hindu Rajput Kingdom in East Rajasthan. For centuries it was ruled by Hada Rajputs, a branch of Chauhan Rajputs.

Rao Biru Ji, 7th Rao of Bundi ruled from 1415 to 1470 and was succeded by his eldest son Rao Bhan Deo. Two of the youngest sons of Biru ji converted to Islam  - Rao Samar Singh who took the name Rao Samarkhandi and Rao Amar Singh who took the name Rao Umarkhandi.
They usurped the throne, ousted Rao Bhan Deo and ruled Bundi jointly. Later Rao Bhan Deo was invited by his Muslim brothers in Hindal, where he was killed along with his brother Rao Sanda Singh.

After the death of Rao Bhan Deo, the Hadas in exile, recognised his eldest son Narayan Das as their Chief. Bundi, was then under the control of his Muslim uncles — Samarkandi and Umarkandi. Rao Narayan Das decided to recover Bundi from them. He first collected the Hadas of Pathar region and made a plan to oust his uncles from Bundi. He sent a message to his uncles that he wanted to pay respect to them. They without suspecting any foul-play, granted permission to him. Rao Narayan Das reached near the palace with a small band of soldiers, and leaving them at the chowk, he himself went into the palace where his uncles were seated almost unattended. As soon as he reached near them he cut the head of Samarkandi with his sword and before the other brother could take shelter anywhere Rao’s lance pierced his head. He then called his men from the chowk who put to sword many of his
retainers. The head of both the brothers were placed at the feet of the shrine of Bhawani. To commemorate this victory a memorial was raised at a place where he put Samarkandi to sword. In memory of this victory, the memorial was worshipped by the Hadas every year.

Rao Narayan Das was strong, brave and enterprising. He not only recovered Bundi from his uncles but also gave help to the Maharana of Mewar when Chittor was invaded by Sultan Nasir Shah of Malwa. Rao Narayan Das himself went with his Hada force to help Rana Rai Mal. With the help of the Hadas the Rana succeeded in defeating the Sultan. In that battle Rao Narayan Das got many wounds and many Hadas laid down their lives in defence of Mewar. Pleased with the bravery of the Hada Chief the Rana married his niece to him.

The matrimonial alliance strengthened the relations of the Hadas with the Sisodias. Rao Narayan Das continued to help Maharana of Mewar in every eventuality. In the Battle of  Khanwa that took place between Maharana Sanga of Mewar and Babur in 1527 A.D. at Kan wah, Rao Narayan Das went in support of the Maharana with 7000 soldiers.^®® In this battle the Hada Chief laid down his life in support of the Sisodia Chief against Babur.

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