Battle of Khanwa - Rajput Confederacy defeated by Babur

Technology Triumphed Numbers 

Battle of Khanwa was fought near the village of Khanwa, about 60 km west of Agra, on March 17, 1527 between Babur and Rana Sanga of Mewar. Babur was a Uzbek of Turkic origin from Samarkand,Uzbekistan while Rana Sanga was the King of Mewar.This battle introduced artillery to Indian kings. The victory in this battle consolidated the Mughal dynasty in India.
Rana Sanga built a Rajput confederacy of virtually all Rajput kings of Rajputana,  including those from Hadoti, Jalor, Sirohi, Dungarpur and Dhundhar. Rao Ganga of Marwar did not join personally, but sent a contingent on his behalf. Rao Medini Rai of Chanderi in Malwa also joined the alliance. Further, Mahmud Lodi, the younger son of Sikandar Lodi, whom the Afghans had proclaimed their new sultan also joined the alliance with a force of 10,000 Afghans with him. Khanzada Hasan Khan Mewati, the ruler of Mewat State, also joined the alliance with a force of 12,000.

Rana Sanga's army consisted of 50,000 Hindu Rajputs from Rajputana, 10,000 Afghans and 500 war elephants. Salhadi Tanwar joined with 35,000 Purbiya Rajput soldiers.

Babur's army consisted of 48,000 Mughals and 50 field artillery.

The Battle

Before the battle Babur had carefully inspected the site. He strengthened his front by procuring carts that were fastened by iron chains .Gaps between the carts were used for horsemen to charge at the opponent at an opportune time. The flanks were given protection by digging ditches. In addition to the regular force, small contingents were kept apart on the left flank and in front for the tulghuma (flanking) tactic. Thus, a strong offensive-defensive formation had been prepared by Babur. Rana Sanga, fighting in a traditional way, attacked the Mughal army's flanks. He was prevented from breaking through by reinforcements dispatched by Babur. Once the advance of the Rajputs and their Afghan allies had been contained, Babur's flanking tactic came into play. The carts and matchlockmen were ordered to advance, hemming in the Rajputs and their allies. At about this time Silhadi of Raisen deserted the Ranas army and went over to Babur's. The war elephants were terrified because  of the cannon fire and crushed many soldiers. Despite putting up a gallant fight, Rana Sanga and his allies suffered a disastrous defeat. Following his victory, Babur ordered a tower of enemy skulls to be erected.

Rajputs fought gallantly but the artillery cannons were entirely new to them and they had no answer for them. Rana Sanga managed to evade capture and escape to Chittor, but the grand alliance he had built collapsed. Many Rajput nobles died in the battle icluding the son of Rana Sanga Bhojraj, Rao Narayan Das of Bundi and Hasan Khan Mewati.It would take more than a century for the Rajputs to form a grand alliance again. Medini Rai survived the battle and faced Babur again in the Battle of Chanderi.
On 30 January 1528 Rana Sanga died in Chittor, apparently poisoned by his own chiefs, who held his plans of renewing the fight with Babur to be suicidal.
Babur fought two more major battle in India - Battle of Chanderi and Battle of Ghaghra. Babur did not live long to enjoy his success and died in 1930. His successor Humayun proved to be weak ruler.

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