
Battle of Chanderi

The Battle of Chanderi took place in the aftermath of the Battle of Khanwa in which the Mughal Emperor Babur had defeated a confederacy of Rajputs and Afghans which was headed by Rana Sanga of Mewar. On receiving news that Rana Sanga had renewed war preparations to renew the conflict with him, Babur decided to isolate the Rana by inflicting a military defeat on one of his staunchest allies Medini Rai Khangar who was the ruler of Malwa. Consequently, in December 1527, taking a circumlocutious route Babur marched to the fortress of Chanderi in Malwa. Upon reaching Chanderi, on 20 January 1528, Babur offered Shamsabad to Medini Rao in exchange for Chanderi as a peace overture, but the offer was rejected by Rao. Medini Rai organized the Jauhar ceremony during which women and children within the fortress commit suicide in fear of Mughal army. A small number of soldiers also collected in Medini Rao's house and proceeded to slay each other in collective suicide. Medini Rai was g

Battle of Khanwa - Rajput Confederacy defeated by Babur

Technology Triumphed Numbers  Battle of Khanwa was fought near the village of Khanwa, about 60 km west of Agra, on March 17, 1527 between Babur and Rana Sanga of Mewar. Babur was a Uzbek of Turkic origin from Samarkand,Uzbekistan while Rana Sanga was the King of Mewar.This battle introduced artillery to Indian kings. The victory in this battle consolidated the Mughal dynasty in India. Rana Sanga built a Rajput confederacy of virtually all Rajput kings of Rajputana,  including those from Hadoti, Jalor, Sirohi, Dungarpur and Dhundhar. Rao Ganga of Marwar did not join personally, but sent a contingent on his behalf. Rao Medini Rai of Chanderi in Malwa also joined the alliance. Further, Mahmud Lodi, the younger son of Sikandar Lodi, whom the Afghans had proclaimed their new sultan also joined the alliance with a force of 10,000 Afghans with him. Khanzada Hasan Khan Mewati, the ruler of Mewat State, also joined the alliance with a force of 12,000. Rana Sanga's army consisted of

How Rao Narayan Das of Bundi retook his throne

Bundi State was a Hindu Rajput Kingdom in East Rajasthan. For centuries it was ruled by Hada Rajputs, a branch of Chauhan Rajputs. Rao Biru Ji, 7th Rao of Bundi ruled from 1415 to 1470 and was succeded by his eldest son Rao Bhan Deo. Two of the youngest sons of Biru ji converted to Islam  - Rao Samar Singh who took the name Rao Samarkhandi and Rao Amar Singh who took the name Rao Umarkhandi. They usurped the throne, ousted Rao Bhan Deo and ruled Bundi jointly. Later Rao Bhan Deo was invited by his Muslim brothers in Hindal, where he was killed along with his brother Rao Sanda Singh. After the death of Rao Bhan Deo, the Hadas in exile, recognised his eldest son Narayan Das as their Chief. Bundi, was then under the control of his Muslim uncles — Samarkandi and Umarkandi. Rao Narayan Das decided to recover Bundi from them. He first collected the Hadas of Pathar region and made a plan to oust his uncles from Bundi. He sent a message to his uncles that he wanted to pay respect to t

Battle of Saraighat

Battle of Saraighat

Battle of Dholpur

Battle of Dholpur

Battle of Khatoli - Rana Sanga defeated Ibrahim Lodi

On the death of Sikander Lodi in A.D. 1518, his son Ibrahim Lodi succeeded him. He was engaged in putting down the revolts of his nobles, when news of Rana Sanga’s encroachments reached him. He prepared an army and marched against Mewar. The Maharana advanced to meet him and the two armies met near the village of Khatoli on the borders of Haravati (Haraoti). The Delhi army could not stand the onslaught of the Rajput’s, and after a fight lasting two pahars (5 hours), the Sultan’s army gave way and fled, followed by the Sultan himself, leaving a Lodi prince prisoner in the hands of Sanga. The prince was released after a few days , on payment of a ransom. In this battle, the Maharana lost an arm by a sword cut, and an arrow made him lame for life. The resources of Ibrahim were so crippled by this war with Sanga that he could not renew the contest for some time. However, he carefully nursed his desire to be revenged on Maharana Sanga for the disastrous defeat inflicted by the latt